

Tuesday: Solar panels installed.

Thursday: Eaves installed and one level of scaffolding removed.

Friday: Top level bricks cleaned.



Bumped into our SS again, and asked him what the go with our tilers was because it was an insanely fast job — even pointed out the other houses in eye-shot that were taking a week to complete. Anyhow, slight amendment to my previous “one day” shock; it was actually two days (sarking was part of that one week schedule); either way, it’s super fast.

Coming up next: eaves to be painted, lower gutter/fascia, lower eaves, scaffolding removed, middle and lower brick cleaned and lower roof tiles. Cladding, downpipes and electrical rough-in will then take place.

*Fingers Crossed*, if all goes accordingly then we should have lock-up before Christmas break 🙂